Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The Annual Dye Easter Egg Hunt.
Of coarse at Grandma Dyes (Jared's parents) house.
We always split the kids up in to 2 groups this year 5 and under go first and
their eggs are hidden in the front yard.

All lined up waiting for the count down.

My niece Carly offered to take Parker around for us.

Paige looking for her last couple of eggs.

Grandma is now helping her.

Jared is helping them count, and open the eggs so we can save them again for next year.

Now it is the older kids turn. 6 and up all lined up and ready to go.

Kodie is looking for her eggs.

Kodie and Carly counting to see if they are done.
Nope better go look for a couple more.
One more count.

Parker enjoying the weather and of coarse a little candy.
Later that night we of coarse had to color Easter eggs.
So everyone got in and out of the shower quickly so we could get started. .

Watching Dad and the girls do it just wasn't enough.

Finally after we were all yellow, green, pink and blue we could go to bed.
On Sunday morning Jared and I were the first ones up around 8. So we took our time got ready for church, showered etc. just waiting for the girls to get up. Finally they woke up around 9:30 and we were able to get on with the early morning festivities.
The Easter Egg hunt in the house(as if we didn't get enough of this the day before).
The Easter Bunny hides our Colored Easter eggs in the house for us to find.

Parker, Jared and his Easter basket.

Cool new Truck!!!

The girls and their Easter baskets. Puzzles, socks, silly puddy, and good Easter candy.

1 comment:

Kristy Skoy said...

I laughed till I cried with Parkers hand in the egg color! HOW CUTE!