Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dance Recital

Kodie and Paige both did a wonderful job at their recital. Believe it or not it was Kodie's 5th year in dance, and Jill gives them a 5 year trophy award for sticking with it for so long. She has waited and waited for this moment and is so proud of that trophy.

It is so nice that they are finally getting a little older and I can finally enjoy things like this and not be running around with my head chopped off. We always try to get the girls a rose from us for the recital

but it never fails that it is always a last minute thing. Jared ran to Smiths while I took the girls in and sat them with their classes. When will I ever learn to be prepared?

My 2 georgeous girls. Can we say Drama?

Marley & the girls posing for a photo together.


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Your girls couldn't look more different! They are both sooo beautiful! I love dance recitals and I think you are great parents for getting them roses every time. so sweet.

Kristy Skoy said...

You prepared??? Never! I think the girs Drama has a huge part in that. Great Photo's! I wish we could have made it to the recitle.