Friday, May 15, 2009

Build A Bear

Our First experience with the real build a bear was a good one I think.
I tried to talk Jared into just staying back at camp instead of heading to build a bear with Devan & Leslie, but no he had made up his mind he wanted to go for a ride.
I warned him that if we went we'd end up buying one for all the kids because they wouldn't go in a store like that and not ask for one. So Yes all 3 of the kids got one. They are so cute, I can't believe the accessories you can get to go with a stuffed animal. Purses, sunglasses, shoes, hats, cell phones, wands, cars, closets, you name it I am sure it was there.
First you pick out the animal you want, and then you get it stuffed, do a little dance,
and add a heart. Then you have to get it sewn shut, and then it is off for a bath. It was so neat, the girls stood on these petals and then air came out of the shower heads to clean any excess fur, or fluff off the bears. Then they gave them a good brushing and they were ready to be dressed.

Jared, Parker, and Grandpa sat aside and
watched the kids go nuts looking at all of their possibilities.

Clothes and shoes oh my...

My girls were in heaven they ran all over that store saying I want this, I want that, I told them they could choose 1 outfit and 1 accessory, and that made them think a little harder about what they really wanted.

So about $75 later Jared said that is enough lets go.

And believe it or not he even passed up the Denver Broncos outfit for Parker's little puppy
and settled on camouflage boxer shorts.

Kodie & Maddy

Paige & Allie

Parker & Big Dog

Aren't they just adorable?

We had a great time and enjoyed spending time together
and my girls are all ready planning the next trip.

1 comment:

Kristy Skoy said...

That is why we dont go there! I cant believe you spent that much on stuffed animals! You warned Jared but he really didn't know what he was getting himself into taking your girls there!